This week's Gospel lesson is the story of the restoration of sight to the blind beggar Bartimaeus. In scripture there are many stories of blindness. Sometimes the blindness is punishment by God for sin; other times the blindness is congenital and still other times it is the result of old age. In John's gospel the disciples ask Jesus if a man is blind because of his own or his parents' sin. Jesus replies that he is blind so that God's work might be revealed in his healing.

All healings in the Bible are attributed to the power of God, but a variety of means are used. Test your Bible knowledge by picking the means of curing blindness from the following choices:
A) Touch
B) Spit
C) Spit and Dirt
D) Fish guts
E) Laser surgery
F) Faith
for hints check out biblegateway.com and one of my favorite children's books: The Tale of Tobias

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