Wednesday, January 17, 2007

ACE Quiz
1) Which of the following is not a part of the Body of Christ as described by Paul
in I Corinthians?
A) Head
B) Foot
C) Parish
D) Eye

This Sunday’s lesson from I Corinthians includes Paul’s image of the Church as the Body of Christ. He draws a picture of the body as a harmonious organism, but also as one that is at times at war among its members. As it once was is now and shall seemingly be forever.

We all know of the fighting that goes on within the Church between East and West, Catholic and Protestant, Protestant and Protestant, liberal and conservative, charismatic and non-charismatic, right down to those who favor cassocks over albs and frankincense over desert sage incense. Today the news is that another parish in our diocese – Blessed Sacrament -- is starting a “discernment process” that seems to aim at leaving the Episcopal Church. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end.

Wait a minute . . . Nothing is eternal but God and what God makes to be eternal: Christ’s Church. Strife is not eternal, war is not eternal, our bodies are not eternal and our buildings and our General Convention are not eternal. Neither, the animosities that members of a family build up over months and years and later recognize to be of small import compared to the love and affection we feel for each other. My grandmother Alice of blessed memory had a saying –not original to her, I’m sure – “only one life, will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” I pray that all of us in this family, this body, will recognize that our lives are short and too precious to be spent on fighting among ourselves, no matter the righteous anger we feel against the offending eye or ear or brother or sister in Christ.

On the other hand, the work we do to build up the Body of Christ, to bring the Gospel and its salvation to the world will be eternal. I pray -- and I ask your prayers as well – for Blessed Sacrament and its pastor Fr. David Bauman. Pray that these members of the Body of Christ recognize their value to the other members of that same body. Pray, too, that we will recognize the ministry of all the parts of Christ’s Body and give up our own tendencies to claim higher value or even the ability to do without another member. Pray, too, that we may all set our hearts, minds, eyes, ears, hands and all ourselves to his service.

Father in Heaven,
Look down in love this day on your sons and daughters. Bless, especially, our brother David and his flock, Blessed Sacrament, as they enter this time of discernment. Grant them ears to truly hear the Word once Spoken, Jesus Christ. Open the doors and windows of their hearts that your Wind, the Holy Spirit, will rush through and fan faith and love among them.

Bless our bishop and pastor Jon as he leads our part of your church in these troubled times. Grant him strength, wisdom and the assurance of your love as he leads us, your sheep.

Grant us, too, the faith and strength to love you and to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Grant us such kindness, gentleness and patience in our treatment of each other that we may show forth your love to those who have not yet found faith in you. Guide us by your Holy Spirit in all that we think, wish, say and do this day and always.

All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Answer to the quiz: C


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