Wednesday, February 21, 2007


The Big FOUR-O used to be something I dreaded as the outer limits of youth after I got past the big THREE-O. Then, I didn’t know that the number forty has a very positive meaning in the Bible where, along with the number four, it represents completeness. We read of forty days and forty nights of rain in the great flood and Moses spending forty days on Mt. Sinai. The Israelites wandered forty years in the wilderness eating manna before reaching the promised land. In the New Testament Jesus fasted forty days in the wilderness and was with the disciples for forty days between his resurrection and ascension.

Now that I am the other side of forty and regard it with some affection and nostalgia I only wish there was a positive reference to FIVE-O, but I’m afraid I have to wait for SEVEN-O.

ACE Quiz
Which of the following are correct?

A. Jonah gave Ninevah forty days to repent.
B. NBA is scheduled to go to a forty week season including playoffs.
C. Lent is forty days long.
D. Jesus was in the tomb forty hours.


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