Wednesday, December 27, 2006

If you are here at the ACE blog you must have been through the Christ Church site and have seen this weeks quiz. The answers are E and A.

This week’s Gospel reading is John 1:1-18, which is commonly known as the prologue of John. This brief passage reveals the divine nature of Jesus and shows him to be as God incarnate in a term – logos -- which resonated both with the philosophy of the Greeks and the revealed Scripture of the Hebrews. That God revealed in Jesus is the reason, framework, meaning, aim and purpose of the Cosmos was a mystery deep in meaning for the early Christians and is for us today as well.

Christianity is a religion of reason and mystery. One implication of this passage is that reason is no enemy of faith. Rather, reason is a gateway to understanding God and reason properly used is a way of honoring God and of God working in our own lives.

That the life of Jesus reveals the underlying principle of Creation is truly a mystery, an inexhaustible mystery. That love is the inception, plan, purpose, and ordering principle and vehicle of all that was, is and will become is beauty: the beauty I pray my eyes, ears and heart will ever be open to and I pray for the grace for this joyful mystery to ever be on my lips.

1) The Greek root word logos ─ as in biology, geology, psychology, etc.─ means :

A) Reason
B) Logic
C) Underlying Principle
D) Word
E) All of the above

2) The Prologue of John’s Gospel closely mirrors the beginning of which book of the Bible?

A) Genesis
B) Matthew
C) Mark
D) Revelation

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This Sunday, the fourth of Advent, we will process with the final of our Advent icons. This icon depicts the meeting of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth.

1) What is this meeting traditionally called? (hint: if you live north of here in Westchester you may know of a Catholic parish
and school by this name.)

A) The Meeting
B) The Family Reunion
C) The Visitation
D) The View

2) This Sunday's Gospel contains a canticle and part of a beloved Christian prayer. What are they called?
A) Venite and Our Father
B) Magnificat and Hail Mary
C) Agnus Dei and Come Holy Spirit Come
D) Jubilate and Glory Be

The answer to the first is the visitation and the second is the magnificat and hail mary (. . .full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed Art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This week's gospel reading is on John the Baptist at the River Jordan.


John's greeting to the congregation is

A) Hail Judeans
B) Dearly Beloved
C) Brood of Vipers
D) Herd of Swine

John's admonition to the tax collectors is

A) Give tax credits to widows and orphans
B) Collect only what's allowed on the tax schedule
C) Increase the rates on liquor and gambling
D) Quit working for the Romans

Answers: C and B

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This Sunday, we will see an icon with the image of Zechariah (John the Baptist's father) on it. Who is he?

A. A Roman Centurian
B. A Sadduccee
C. A priest in the Jerusalem Temple
D. A prophet who in the 2nd Century AD, predicted World War II.

When he expressed his disbelief that he would have a son, he was struck:

A. Blind
B. Deaf
C. Speechless
D. Bald

Want to know the answers? Here they are: C and C
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